The pioneers in frontier market venture capital and impact investing.

Founded in 2011, Patamar got its name from the traditional Indian ‘dhow’ boat. This wooden, sail-powered boat was a historic mode of transportation in the Indian Ocean, which connected communities and facilitated economic exchange.

This one word encapsulates our purpose: serving the hundreds of millions in Asia.

We are excited to continue unlocking economic opportunities in Asia by travelling alongside our tech founders on this revolutionary economic journey.


Our Impact

At Patamar, we believe technology is and will continue to be critical in unlocking economic opportunities for individuals and small businesses in emerging economies. Technology can address current market linkage inefficiencies, enabling a level playing field for access to products and services.

Impact Assets 50 EMERITUS Logo
  • Featured in the ImpactAssets 50 list for 10 consecutive years.
  • Founding Members of the Global Impact Investing Network.
  • Over the last 5 years, our portfolio companies have positively impacted more than 15 million lives by increasing incomes, generating new employment opportunities, or increasing access to affordable and essential products and services.